About The Society

We have formed a new group, the Catholic Urban Farmers of Denver, which is running the farm sites. For various reason, the St. Isidore society name was confusing to people, and so we changed the name. We also developed a new organization and a new board of directors, and a new focus on providing nutritious food to the local community.




4 thoughts on “About The Society

  1. Best wishes on your projects in sustainability. I admire your project, and your very ambitious list of goals, and hope you become a model for other communities of faith. You’ll find a great deal of useful information if you have a member research the methods used at the Findhorn community in Scotland in the 1950s, 60s and 70s. They achieved remarkable results with food and flower production with sustainable gardening practices. Hugelkulture is another promising practice for permaculture. WG

  2. Thank you for taking the time to think this through and share it on the web. It is an inspiration and help to those of us wondering how to integrate permaculture with our faith.

  3. Hello!

    I’m interested in your group. I live in Denver. Do you all have meetings I could come to, or how does it work?


  4. Hello Allie,

    If you follow the link at the top of this post, you will be taken to our current website, where we have a contact page to get in touch. Thanks for your interest!


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